Friday, May 3, 2013

Frugal Friday

I'm inspired today by Life as Mom (who wrote my favorite freezer cookbook) to do a Frugal Friday post.  Her blog today is about maintaining your stamina when the frugal living gets tough.  She asks readers:
  • Do you find it hard to stick to your financial goals?
  • If so, what do you do to get back in line?
  • If not, what’s your secret to staying on track?
I'm not finding it too hard to stick with my own personal financial goals.  I have a goal of saving a certain amount of money that I've made through my Etsy business and I'm about to meet my goal!  I'm predicting I will have met my goal by the end of next week!  Running this business has helped me in unexpected ways, including eliminating the resentment I used to feel about not earning any of my own money.  Having my own savings account outside of our joint account is a wonderful thing and because I'm the only person who can access it, I control it 100%.  My secret to staying on track?  I don't have a secret.  I've worked so hard to make this money and I'm too scared to spend it.  That's not to say I haven't been tempted but so far, so good.

1 comment:

  1. That's exciting about your business & your savings. I'm ready to bring in some income from my photography for the same reason. I did my first hired shoot this week (not sure if you saw on the blog yet) and I'm doing a mama multi-shoot on Saturday. So far, free and barter, but I'm learning a lot! I still want to help you with graphics stuff.
    Oh, and the ferrets do fine with the chickens; the chickens are pretty aggressive and they don't put up with anything!
